If you’re a negotiator, you know you want to be in a position with limited options and a hard deadline. Oh wait, that’s the OPPOSITE of what you want to be in. Regardless, that was the position we found ourselves in this morning. Neither Amy nor I got great sleep last night. Imagine that - embarking on a journey that starts with a potentially smoking engine knowing that you need to come back with a different vehicle. Isn’t that the thing that dreams are made of?!!! Fortunately, the boys DID get a good night of sleep and we had them prepared for a long day in the car (well, cars really we hope!). So, we fully emptied the van contents into the camper and started our journey. If you looked at yesterday’s flow chart, you’ll notice that one of HUGE questions of the day was whether or not the van would smoke, or potentially get worse. So, all of us had our noses on full alert, but thankfully, the smell did not return - at least not strongly. Amy was drivin...