Day 4 - Effingham, IL to Iowa City, IA - First 1,000 Miles!
I started the morning in the peaceful country air. For some reason, I woke up at the crack of dawn, but it gave me a chance to get outside and hear the country wake up. While there was the sound of a few cars going down the road, the dominating sounds were frogs, cows, and the neighbor's rooster. I also decided to try the fishing and - first cast, got a small crappie.
After a bit, I saw Uncle John on the other side of the pond so I walked over to join him. We inspected the far side of the pond and then came back and launched the boat. It was a pretty successful fishing outing with a big crappie and a good sized bass. Not a bad way to start the day
Once we were done fishing, we came back in to an AMAZING egg and sausage casserole breakfast. It was absolutely delicious - thank you again Aunt Cathy!
After breakfast we did a bit of a town tour. We stopped by the family property to water the vegetable garden (it was DRY!), explored the bottom acres a bit, and then drove through the cemeteries for a bit of an honor to those who had gone before. All in all a great way to spend the morning.
Then before we left, we remembered to snap a family picture!
We arrived back in time for dinner and had another special treat - we had the opportunity to meet up with Ken and Lorie. Ken had just gotten back from Canada that morning (we seem to be catching many people as they just got home from their own travels!), but agreed to come out for dinner. It was a wonderful meal with some great local beer and again, we actually remembered to take a picture!
After dinner, we were all TIRED from the travels so we packed it up for the evening and called it a night.
GREAT day - looking forward to more of these.
Total miles travelled - 1,106
# States (Provinces) - 7
You had me at FISHING! SO Jelly!